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Writer's picturePatriotic Rat

Tough Choices

Have you ever found yourself trying to decide on tough choices? We all have been there. Why are some choices so hard to choose? Maybe we're afraid it won't be the right choice. Or, maybe we feel insecure of how others will perceive our choices we've made. There are many reasons why we have to make tough decisions in our lives. There are many reasons why we avoid making them.

What constitutes a tough decision? Is it something we've never had to make a decision on before? Or, maybe it's a decision we'd like not to come across. Tough choices usually boil down to one thing. How does it impact ourselves? Why should it be difficult to make a decision if there's no consequence to our lives? It wouldn't be difficult at all. Once we realize that there could be consequences, we have to think about whether we're making the right decision.

What if I told you that decision making can be easy as pie? That's right, it's as easy as pie. But, you may not like the answer. You see, it doesn't have to be difficult if you never think about yourself. That's a hard pill to swallow. Our society is a me me me society. There's no way anyone would not think about themselves. However, that's not entirely true. Many men and women make the ultimate sacrifice not thinking about themselves to accomplish a mission or save the lives of others. That's a hard pill to swallow as well.

Service members who sacrifice their lives for others is a rarity as well as an amazement to humanity. They come to terms with death and life alike. It's a hard concept to accept when you've never stared at death in the eye. It's also a blessing to know there are people out there who will stop at nothing to protect others for the sake of humanity.

Tough decisions don't require the ultimate sacrifice. However, one thought should always go through your mind. What's the right thing to do? The right thing is what benefits others. Humbleness is the key. Sometimes, these decisions suck, and they will suck for you. As I've said in other words in previous posts, a fulfillment of life is not a life about you. It's fulfilling a life of serving others.

If you truly understand what it means to serve a life of sacrifice then you understand that the impact you have in society is for the betterment of humanity. We are placed here on Earth for each other, not for ourselves. However, our society is not that way. It's difficult to make the tough decisions because we want to live in the means of society, in the means of ourselves. It would be amazing if everyone lived in the means of humanity. However, that's not the

case and so we have to choose to be selfish or make sacrifices.

Believe me, it's tough to make those sacrifices and tough decisions not making them all about myself. It's a complete mindset that requires discipline and a sense of satisfaction and joy in the decisions you make. There are plenty of times that become difficult for me to cope. Centering myself on principles of love is my biggest fallback, and of course having others who understand and lift me up is my biggest strength. You can do it too. Have faith in humanity, faith in yourself, and faith in those who are closest to you.

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