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Writer's picturePatriotic Rat

Core Values | Ch. 1 - Integrity First

Every component of the military has there own version of core values. The Air Force, for instance, has three core values: Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do. Let's dive into Integrity First and see how it aligns with your own values.

Concerning the Air Force's core values, Integrity First is the foundation for everything. That's why it's...First. It's not a difficult value to understand, as long as you know what integrity means. The Air Force is looking for integrity to be implemented into everything, including everyday living. It's a simple request, but yet a powerful impact to daily operations.

Integrity First is the bread and butter of the Air Force, or at least should be the bread and butter. Sometimes it's not as straight forward to apply integrity into our daily lives. Integrity comes from our core center of morality. Without moral beliefs we stray from having integrity. However, having integrity gifts us with moral beliefs. You almost can't possess one concept without the other.

It's important for us to have moral beliefs, especially in today's society. In order for society to function properly it requires integrity from each of us. A moral compass drives us to use integrity for the sake of living within a society. It seems in today's society we appear broken. However, the more we apply integrity in our daily lives, the more stable our society can be. Showing integrity to others encourages faith and hope within the society. Again, integrity requires a moral foundation and moral beliefs are spawned from having integrity.

When everyone is applying integrity, the functions of society, the Air Force, or whatever group of people who operate together work more in a harmonizing unity. It'd be foolish to say that they would be functioning perfectly. Nothing in life is picture perfect. However, every little effort applied by everyone can make the days less grueling for everyone. Humanity requires integrity in order to thrive in a society. However, more and more as we progress forward it seems integrity is harder to be found within society.

The news, mass media, social media, etc. all seem to point that no one possesses integrity these days. Especially, when it comes to dealing with disinformation. Doctors, journalists, militants, and many other professionals take oaths. These oaths are to ensure the professionals perform their work with integrity for the sake of humanity. They are to be honest and true to their profession as well as work towards the betterment of society. It's hard to have faith in these professionals when they lack integrity and are called out all over the media. Remember though, the media has agendas and will usually forefront these acts against humanity before showing anything promoting integrity. The media is also showing a small percentage of these professionals. The professionals shown don't always represent the larger masses.

Faith in humanity promotes moral beliefs which in turn encourages us to have integrity. Never let the media sway you away from having faith. Always stay true to your moral beliefs. Finally, encourage integrity in your community by being an example within the community.

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